Christian College
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Dear Visitor,

It is important for visitors to this website to understand that Christian College of Georgia uses the term "College" because that is what the founders intended to create in 1947. When we sold our campus in Athens in the 1990's, we continued to use the term "College" -- but only in the sense that we endeavor to be "Collegial" in our relationship, that we see ourselves as "Colleagues" in ministry and service.  Our method of teaching is primariily through providing free resources for Biblical Study and through what we refer to as NON-FORMAL EDUCATION. 

We can explore what this means for you, identify appropriate certification for study if suitable to your situation, and provide guidance.  We also serve as "Mentors" for students with a very reasonal fee.


Please note:  Christian College of Georgia, while historically related to the Disciples of Christ, is not under the jurisdiction of any denomination or judicatory.  We serve where we can best meet the needs of students.  If you have particular requirements which you endeavor toe meet, please verify IN ADVANCE that the content and method of instruction which we provide satisfies your expectations and those you intend to satisfy.


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